Nothing better than pizza after soaring! I noticed your blog. As one of the champions of the sport of gliding and soaring, I thought you might want to share the intriguing line up of speakers that are coming to Wave Camp at SoaringNV in Minden, Nevada with those who read your blog. Please contact me at if you are interested in knowing more. I would have e-mailed you directly, but there isn't a contact link on your blog.
Nothing better than pizza after soaring! I noticed your blog. As one of the champions of the sport of gliding and soaring, I thought you might want to share the intriguing line up of speakers that are coming to Wave Camp at SoaringNV in Minden, Nevada with those who read your blog. Please contact me at if you are interested in knowing more. I would have e-mailed you directly, but there isn't a contact link on your blog.